Time for the final installment in my Goodwin Champions PC series! This one is all about that Goudey goodness.
CP Munk (look it up)! |
Starting things off with my third most expensive card from Goodwin Champions, CM Punk at his most Wolverine-est! I want to say WolverPunk was right around $9.
Some race car man.. |
Goudey was Upper Deck's first answer to Topps' Allen & Ginter. It ran as its own brand from 2007-2009 and it was... mostly good. Year one were entirely the small square size of original 1930s Goudey, and had a weird duality gimmick to them. 2008 was the best version, though like with any artsy set, there were a few Dick Perez specials. 2009 had a serious flaw in that much of the set looked like horrifying waxy, plasticy abominations of nature, but if you can get past it, it was still as fun a rip as any other.
Later years used the original Goudey/Sport Kings size for minis. I don't know for sure if they were one-per-pack in 2008, but I vaguely recall them being every other pack in the blaster of 2009 I picked up a few years back. I dunno though. I'd love to bust some more of the original run someday, but I haven't come across any since that blaster.
Former Blackhawk great Jeremy Roenick.. |
Goudey likely would have continued as its own brand had Topps not ruined the entire card industry forevermore by nabbing an exclusive license to lord their boring garbage products over the rest of us with. Now pretty much every sport except soccer (& maybe hockey still?) are exclusively produced by a single company and, pardon my language, but well... it fucking sucks.
Non-autos? So that's just like inserts then.. |
Fortunately, UD was eventually able to find a place for the brand within Goodwin Champions line. I'm not sure, but I might not actually have that Miesha "Flukiest Champion in the History of Sports" Tate anymore. I might have sent it to the
currently hiatusing(?) Raz in the package I sent him in July. If not, and I can find it, it'll go to him next time. I think it's fair to say I don't think much of her as a fighter.
One more 2016 insert.. |
And a 2017.. |
While I like the simplicity and colorfulness of 2016's Goudey inserts, I love the look of 2017's. It's better to me in every way. This looks like it could be the base set design for a standalone Goudey product, and I am
feeling it.
So much MMA! |
Here it is in autographed form, with professional asskicker Amanda Nunes. I like that the brand/nameplate and space for the autograph take up considerably less room, and that they used fuller body photographs in this iteration.
Mo' 'Manda.. |
Finally, an important aspect of the original Upper Deck Goudey run was the Sport Royalty subset, which was a part of the run of shortprints. As the name implies, it featured stars from other sports. I tried to complete the 2008 set, but I didn't make it too far.
Presidents, certain base legends, black & white photos, and Heads Up cards made up the rest of the shortprint run over the brand's lifespan, but I think Sport Royalty may have been the only consistent SP'd subset across all three years. You could also pull the SPs in mini form in all the various hues of parallel. I'm not sure about relics, but I'm certain it was possible to pull autos of at least some of the subjects.
That puts a bow on this series for now. But once September's shipment arrives and gets scanned & edited into bite-sized chunks, I will likely have the means to produce at least two more installments in this series. So look forward to that. Or don't. The flake-out
is inevitable, after all. Thanks for stopping by though. I really do appreciate it.
Until our next...
Outside of seeing autographs of hockey players wearing street clothes, I really love this product.